
September Herb of the Month: Apple
Healing Garden Healing Garden

September Herb of the Month: Apple

The apple is probably the most widely eaten tree-fruit in the world. Wild apples were collected and eaten long before apple trees were domesticated, and their remains have been found in numerous European archeological sites from Neolithic times.

Read more about the beneficial properties of apples in this months ‘Herb of the Month’ article.

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Samhain: An Interview With Peter Firebrace
Healing Garden Healing Garden

Samhain: An Interview With Peter Firebrace

What is Samhain? In celebration of Halloween at the Healing Garden Kirsten Hatvig and Lydia Lakemoore interview Peter Firebrace about the traditions and mysterious origins behind this magical festival.

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Interview with Kirsten Hartvig: The Wellness Show
Healing Garden Healing Garden

Interview with Kirsten Hartvig: The Wellness Show

The Wellness show interviews Kirsten Hartvig about all things natural health and wellbeing.

Kirsten Hartvig is a medical herbalist, registered naturopath, nutritionist, writer, and author of 14 books on herbs and plant foods as medicine. She is also a keen botanist, cook and herb gardener. Kirsten also teaches materia medica on the Heartwood Education professional course in herbal medicine.

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