April herb walk time

After the warmth of March, and the cold spell at the end of it, rain has now come to complete the picture. The grass in the garden has had its first mowing (thanks to Iain!), and we have started sowing seeds and repotting the plants that we sowed in the autumn.

My broadens are doing well, as are my garlics and onions, and I’m just about to plant out a few potatoes. I want to use the method I learnt in the Pyrenees - les pommes de terre dans la paille - meaning that you leave the potatoes on the ground and cover them in straw. Just remove the straw when you want to harvest. Easy peasy!

This week is also about researching the 16 herbs for the herb walk at the weekend. I’m always nervous about finding enough but it gets easier and easier as the year unfolds.

There are a few spaces left if you’d like to join me.

with love


Healing Garden

Providing educational workshops, events and merchandise to adults within the gardening, wellness and plant section.


Wasp relocation saga


September Herb of the Month: Apple